Friday, February 27, 2009

Wordle Tool

Wordle: blog870
This is a quick cool tool that highlights word use. The most frequently used words are the largest. I made this one using my blog posts. It is very easy!
A teacher librarian had students do it with a portion of different well-known books. The students then had to try to identify which books they were. Here's link with a sample. This is an article the teacher librarian wrote.
As I created the above wordle, it highlights the concepts that I've been reflecting on. I think the tool has many possibilities, both for my work with teachers as they do their own reflections, but also with students. Students can use it to summarize their journals, a response to a book, a description of a book, etc. It could be taken even a step further to critique the wordle and see if it really does show the main concepts and ideas that you were intending to get across. Many possibilities!


Jim S. said...

Joanne please tell me how and the heck you posted the image. I just got a link. Help.

Cheryl Morin said...

Hi Joanne,
Jim is really wanting to know the trick to posting a wordle. He asked me how because I did it (somehow) the first time but I haven't been able to do it since.What is your secret?